Saturday, December 4, 2010

Week 6-Climate Change

Blog Entry: In your view, is climate change anthropogenic (manmade), "natural", or some combination of the two? What (or who) would you consider reputable sources for climate change information? How is climate change portrayed in the media? Does this portrayal make you more or less likely to alter your lifestyle? What do you think the effects of climate change will be on your children and grandchildren?

Is climate change manmade?  Is it even real?  I would say yes to both.  While there may be some contributing natural causes it is my belief that we have done this to ourselves.  There can be no denying the human impact on the world as a whole, ocean species depletion, deforestation and habitat destruction, air and water pollution are just a few of the catastrophes we have brought upon ourselves.  How could we think that climate change is not caused by our activities?  The advances in technology in the past two centuries has allowed us to tame and conquer nearly every corner of the Earth and has greatly increased our success as a species.  Climate change could even open the door to a couple new corners, around the poles, as countries are already fighting over rights to areas now being revealed from beneath the melting polar ice caps.  When it comes to whom or what sources I would consider reputable on the subject, and the media portrayal of the subject it gets murky.  The media is a for profit entity, controlled by people with different interests, and on both sides of the issue they have managed to marginalize each other making it difficult for the average person to disseminate what is fact and what is propaganda.  I believe the source worth trusting most would be the Eskimos and other indigenous peoples of the North Country, I may even believe the UN and its scientists despite the recent “climategate” scandal.  The media debate over climate change has little effect on my personal habits but the occasional good idea can be found there such as turning the water off while brushing your teeth or new energy efficient products that are available.  If the current trend in human consumption and pollution is not changed for the better then I have a feeling that my children and grandchildren will be living in a much warmer and wetter world then we know today.

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