Saturday, December 4, 2010

Week 7-The Cost of Energy

Blog Entry: Is energy too cheap? Is conservation a dirty word? With regards to alternative energy sources (renewables) are you a "free-marketeer" or proponent of government intervention to steer us away from fossil fuels? In your opinion, what type of renewable energy has the most upside potential? What steps can you take 1) tomorrow and 2) within the next five years to reduce your energy footprint?

Comparatively speaking, energy prices here in the United States are much cheaper than the rest of the world, however, these prices are on the rise and will only increase in the future.  Conservation is only a dirty word to modern day “conservatives” who would sell the entire world to business interests if there were not laws to prevent them from doing so.  I believe in the free market, but that is not what has occurred in recent history in this country.  Energy companies have been allowed to determine national energy policy and competition from emerging renewable sources has been stifled.  I believe that just as the government contributed to the development and construction of infrastructure nationwide during the early 1900’s, the same investment should be made to encourage the use and growth of renewable energies.  Highways, roads and bridges were constructed with government funds and encouraged suburban sprawl and led to heavy dependence on fossil fuels, so it is only fair that government resources be used to push us into the next century and towards more sustainable energy solutions.  As far as reducing my own energy footprint, immediate change can be made by walking more instead of driving, reducing the amount of meat in my diet, and changing to new energy efficient technologies such as CFC light bulbs and LED TV’s.  Looking five years or more there is the possibility of buying a hybrid car or an energy efficient home, the decreasing cost of solar panels is another option.

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